The specification of MathML seems to contain two distinct languages: Presentation MathML and Content MathML. Not to put too fine a point on it, Presentation MathML is intended for marking up the look of expressions, while Content MathML is intended for marking up the meaning of expressions.
This page is a handy list of the elements in the latter. The list is based on MathML 2.0 elements. It also includes new elements in MathML 3.0. The deprecated elements ( reln
, fn
, declare
) are excluded.
Name | Remark | Usage |
cn |
number |
ci |
identifier |
csymbol |
externally-defined symbol |
cs |
MathML 3.0string literal |
cbytes |
MathML 3.0base64-encoded byte stream | |
cerror |
MathML 3.0to define a symbol that indicates an error (such as "division by zero") |
sep |
separates a string. used to mark up e-notations, rational numbers, complex numbers, etc. |
apply |
apply a function |
bind |
MathML 3.0binding |
bvar |
bound variables |
interval |
intervals. left/right - open/closed |
condition |
a boolean valued expression. e.g., to use with logical quantifiers, to define sets, etc. |
domainofapplication |
a domain of application. more general than interval or condition . |
share |
MathML 3.0to share and reuse XML sub trees |
Name | Remark | Usage |
and |
boolean "and" |
or |
boolean "or" |
xor |
boolean "exclusive or" |
not |
boolean "not" |
implies |
boolean relational operator "implies" |
equivalent |
logically equivalent |
forall |
universal quantifier |
exists |
existential quantifier |
Name | Remark | Usage |
set |
a set |
list |
a list |
in |
membership relation. denote that the given element belongs to the given set. |
notin |
negated membership relation. |
subset |
subset relation. denote that the first is a subset of the second. |
notsubset |
negated subset relation. denote that the first is NOT a subset of the second. |
prsubset |
proper subset relation. denote that the first is a proper subset of the second. |
notprsubset |
negated proper subset relation. denote that the first is NOT a proper subset of the second. |
union |
union of sets |
intersect |
intersection of sets |
setdiff |
set difference operator |
cartesianproduct |
Cartesian product operator |
card |
cardinality function |
Name | Remark | Usage |
plus |
addition |
minus |
unary minus or subtraction |
times |
multiplication |
divide |
division |
quotient |
quotient |
rem |
remainder |
power |
exponentiation |
root |
n-th root, specified by degree |
factorial |
factorial |
gcd |
greatest common divisor |
lcm |
lowest common multiple |
abs |
absolute Value |
conjugate |
complex conjugate |
real |
the real part of a complex number |
imaginary |
the imaginary part of a complex number |
arg |
the argument of a complex number |
floor |
round-down (towards negative infinity) |
ceiling |
round-up (towards positive infinity) |
max |
maximum |
min |
minimum |
Name | Remark | Usage |
eq |
equal to |
neq |
not equal to |
gt |
greater than |
lt |
less than |
geq |
greater than or equal to |
leq |
less than or equal to |
approx |
approximately equal |
factorof |
Name | Remark | Usage |
sum |
summation |
product |
product |
limit |
a limit of a sequence |
tendsto |
tending to a specified value. "as x tends to y". used with limit . a binary relation. |
Name | Remark | Usage |
diff |
differentiation |
partialdiff |
partial differentiation |
degree |
"degree" or "order" of an operation. often used in derivatives and moments. |
int |
definite or indefinite integral |
lowlimit |
lower limit |
uplimit |
upper limit |
grad |
vector calculus gradient |
curl |
vector calculus curl |
divergence |
vector calculus divergence |
laplacian |
vector calculus laplacian |
Name | Remark | Usage |
vector |
vector |
matrix |
matrix |
matrixrow |
a row of a matrix |
determinant |
determinant of a matrix |
transpose |
transpose of a matrix |
selector |
operator for indexing into vectors, matrices, and lists |
vectorproduct |
vector product of two vectors |
scalarproduct |
scalar product of two vectors |
outerproduct |
outer product of two vectors |
Name | Remark | Usage |
mean |
mean |
sdev |
standard deviation |
variance |
variance |
median |
median |
mode |
mode |
moment |
moment. use degree for the n in "n-th moment". use momentabout for the p in "moment about p". |
momentabout |
the p in "moment about p". |
Name | Remark | Usage |
exp |
exponential function |
ln |
natural logarithm function |
log |
a logarithm to a base given by logbase |
sin |
sine |
cos |
cosine | |
tan |
tangent | |
sec |
secant | |
csc |
cosecant | |
cot |
cotangent | |
sinh |
hyperbolic sine | |
cosh |
hyperbolic cosine | |
tanh |
hyperbolic tangent | |
sech |
hyperbolic secant | |
csch |
hyperbolic cosecant | |
coth |
hyperbolic cotangent | |
arcsin |
inverse sine | |
arccos |
inverse cosine | |
arctan |
inverse tangent | |
arcsec |
inverse secant | |
arccsc |
inverse cosecant | |
arccot |
inverse cotangent | |
arcsinh |
inverse hyperbolic sine | |
arccosh |
inverse hyperbolic cosine | |
arctanh |
inverse hyperbolic tangent | |
arcsech |
inverse hyperbolic secant | |
arccsch |
inverse hyperbolic cosecant | |
arccoth |
inverse hyperbolic cotangent |
Name | Remark | Usage |
primes |
the set of all natural prime numbers |
naturalnumbers |
the set of all natural numbers |
integers |
the set of all integers |
rationals |
the set of all rational numbers |
reals |
the set of all real numbers |
complexes |
the set of all complex numbers |
imaginaryi |
imaginary unit, square roots of −1 |
emptyset |
the empty set |
exponentiale |
the exponential base of the natural logarithms |
pi |
the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter |
eulergamma |
Euler's gamma |
infinity |
infinity |
true |
the logical constant for truth |
false |
the logical constant for falsehood |
notanumber |
the result of an ill-defined floating point operation, also called NaN |
Name | Remark | Usage |
semantics |
a semantic mapping |
annotation |
a semantic annotation in a non-XML format |
annotation-xml |
a semantic annotation in an XML format |
More pragmatic in Probability and Statistics, see:
The language specifications:
Content dictionaries: